
Black Sheriff interview with Apple Music Africa Now Radio


“The first thing I’ll say, [the energy] is 100… but I was more introspective on this album. I dug deeper, talked about my perspectives on love and things, my experiences. I talked about my external battles, internal battles, how I manage and how I’m doing.”

Black Sheriff chooses a curious title for his album and when asked about the motive behind it, he reveals that throughout his life he has been painted as the bad guy by different people, although he was never really a villain.

“We as individuals are all connected in some way, and in some way we are all fighting different battles, internal, external, and with me everything that I have learned or said are more like experiences, things that I have seen or things that I have seen people pass by. With my life, I feel like shit bro. I feel like I’m fighting myself, and I’m a human being, I need to feel that way sometimes. I shouldn’t always be on top.”

“Every time I’m the villain, in my story, in people’s stories, everywhere I’m the villain, but when I sit and think about it, I know, ‘No, brother, I don’t wake up to be a villain. “I’m fighting for my life, I’m trying to make sense of it, I’m trying to be a better person, so I really wasn’t the villain that people paint me to be or that I call myself the villain.”

For his debut project, Sheriff chose to go solo and not have any guest artists on the album. He reveals that this decision was informed by the very personal nature of his music and his desire to share his story himself.

“I really needed to get to know myself and explore everything about myself before I could start sharing it with people to help me tell my story. Music for me has always been very personal, like a safe haven to talk about my insecurities, things that I can do”. I’m not saying outside, so to have someone on a record with me, I feel like they can’t help me tell my story.”

Furthermore, he shares that he wants to offer himself to listeners first before joining forces with other artists.

“That’s why I really put myself on the album, you know the “Second Sermon (remix)” with Burna was the only feature on this album. I want people to know my perspectives on life, to let them know what I know, what I’ve seen, what I believe and how I’m doing. But collaborations are coming soon, trust me.”

Black Sheriff’s debut album ‘The Villain I Never Was’ is available on Apple Music. He will hope to use the album to further endear himself to his fans and increase his following.


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