
Cryptocurrency: The Next Step in Church Tithing


AUGUSTA, Ga. (WJBF)- Many churches are moving into the digital age by offering apps for members to tithe and make donations.

Traditionally, church members have donated to the church in cash and checks, and more recently through digital transfers. Now churches will be able to take the next step in digital giving.

SecureGive is a local business started by a pastor in 2004 who was looking for a way for church members to donate using credit and debit cards.

SecureGive developed donation apps for nonprofits and churches.

SecureGive developed Kiosks and applications for donations. They are partnering with Engiven, a cryptocurrency donation company, to offer the option to donate using cryptocurrencies.

“So we partnered with a company called Engiven, and now, coming soon, you’ll be able to donate to your church or nonprofit through SecureGive with crypto currency. And so, SecureGive, we’ve always sought to be on the cutting edge of giving and technology within the church. So accepting cryptocurrency is just the next step,” explained Sam Baker, vice president of sales at SecureGive.

Crypto currency is notoriously high risk, but there will be no risk to churches or donors because the crypto will immediately be converted into dollars once donated.

Baker said that every time something new is introduced, people get nervous.

“First of all, I understand the hesitation. We certainly saw hesitation when we started in 2004. And then the donation kiosk and online donations, text donations, are normal. So, we just see this as the next step.”

There is no release date yet, but SecureGive hopes to have the crypto currency option available by Christmas.

Photojournalist: Will Baker.


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