
Home recovery under Protocol 2 will be the default for COVID-positive infants and pregnant women


SINGAPORE: Pregnant women and infants aged three months to less than one year who test positive for COVID-19 will be able to recover on their own at home under Protocol 2 from October 25.

This is because the risk of severe COVID-19 in these two groups is low, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) said on Saturday (October 15).

“In view of the low risk, patients in these two groups can be managed as Protocol 2 by default, for self-recovery at home or under the care of their own primary care physicians,” the ministry said.

Currently, COVID-19 patients aged between three months and one year, as well as women who are less than 36 weeks pregnant, follow Protocol 1, where the Ministry of Health will verify their recovery.

Individuals at higher risk under Protocol 1 should also have a rapid antigen test (ART) and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

Patients in these two groups will be placed in the home recovery program by default or, if their home environment is not suitable, they will be taken to a care facility.

Most of Singapore’s new COVID-19 infections are Protocol 2 cases, which are those who are well or have a mild condition.

By switching these two groups to Protocol 2, which allows for self-healing, the Health Ministry said these patients should continue to be closely monitored for signs and symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or persistent fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius while they recover at home.

“If signs and symptoms worsen, they should seek medical attention,” the ministry said.

At a press conference held by the multi-ministerial COVID-19 task force, the director of medical services at the Ministry of Health, Kenneth Mak, said that the change in health protocols for these two groups is part of their periodic risk review. of serious infections for the most vulnerable people. .

“It’s a benefit to us because that means it reduces the number of admissions and people who need to stay in hospital,” said Associate Professor Mak.

“Surely it is more pleasant to have the children at home with their parents than to be in the hospital in a very strange environment that they are very afraid of.”


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