
How the price of consumer goods changed in September | show news


The cost of all goods inflated 0.4% in September.

That’s based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index, which measures the change in what urban residents pay for a variety of goods and services. Over the past year, the cost of goods increased by 8.2%. Inflation has remained “unacceptably high” by the standards of Federal Reserve officials, who noted that labor and supply chain challenges could continue to exacerbate the problem.

The CPI analyzes a wide range of goods, ranging from rent to medical services and food. All goods have increased in cost compared to a year ago, but some have seen decreases since August. Oil derivatives have some of the least consistent prices, as the Russo-Ukrainian War, hurricanes and other global events continue to push up the price of oil. Although gas and fuel oil have seen price declines in the last two months, they are still above where they were a year ago. Gas and electricity utilities, also affected by oil prices, continue to rise.

Stacker used seasonally adjusted monthly CPI BLS data to find how much consumer goods prices changed from August to September. They are ranked below from the largest increase to the largest month-over-month decrease, using year-over-year changes as a tiebreaker where necessary.

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