
Nigerian Zamfara State Shuts Down Media For Covering Political Rally


Zamfara state in northwestern Nigeria ordered the closure of five media outlets on Sunday after they covered a political rally by the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) in violation of a state ban on political activity.

The order came after Governor Bela Muhammad, a member of the ruling All Progressives Congress, banned political activities, including gatherings in people’s homes, on Oct. 13 due to the security situation in the state.

The ban includes campaigning for the February 2023 presidential election, which began across the country last month.

Zamfara state, like much of northwestern Nigeria, is battling armed groups of “bandits” who have kidnapped thousands of people for ransom, killed hundreds and left many roads impassable.

“The Zamfara State Police Commissioner has been ordered to ensure full compliance and arrest any person from these media organisations… who carry out any task in breach of the lockdown,” the State Security Council said in a statement released on Thursday. Sunday.

The declaration names five channels Pride FM Radio Gusau, NTA Gusau, Amji TV Gusau, Gamji TV Gusau and Alumma TV Gusau.

Zamfara’s ban on political activity was accompanied by other measures, including movement restrictions in some areas and the closure of several roads.

The statement ordered security officials to “deal mercilessly” with anyone who disobeyed orders.


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