
Police seek to curb political bullying – FBC News


[File Photo]

The Fiji Police Force has noted that a number of acts of vandalism and intimidation have been reported targeting only the Fiji First Party.

Police Commissioner Brigadier Sitiveni Qiliho says these range from damaging FijiFirst billboards, banners and campaign material on vehicles, verbal and physical intimidation of their supporters and hateful posts on social media.

Qiliho has reminded Fijians that such acts of vandalism, intimidation and political bullying carry severe penalties under Fijian law.

The article continues after the announcement.

As such acts are considered election offences, the Police will work with the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption to carry out investigations.

Qiliho says that FICAC, after the final evaluation, will institute a possible prosecution.

The Fiji Police Force has assured political parties, candidates and supporters that they will provide a safe and conducive environment for Fijians to freely exercise their political rights.

Qiliho has instructed the public to report any threats of violence, intimidation and property damage to the nearest police station.

A stern warning to the perpetrators that the police would thoroughly investigate criminal cases and leave no stone unturned.

It has informed all political parties that it is equally their responsibility to ensure that none of their respective leaders, party officials or supporters engage in acts of vandalism, intimidation or damage to property.

The Fiji Police Force will continue to monitor all political activities to ensure that we have a safe and democratic environment for the conduct of free and fair elections.

ACP Chief Operations Officer Abdul Khan and Police Special Response Unit Commanding Officer, Senior Police Superintendent Livai Driu, last week visited a number of political parties to personally reassure the Fiji Police that all measures are being taken the security and protection measures necessary to ensure that political parties, candidates and supporters can freely exercise their political rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Fiji.


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