
Sub-Saharan Africa is witnessing a rapid development of digital transformation


– IMF Report on Digital Currency Innovations –

The future of money is undoubtedly digital according to the IMF. The question is, how will it be?

As digital currency development rapidly accelerates in sub-Saharan Africa, policymakers are concerned that digital currencies could be used to illegally transfer funds out of the region and undermine financial and macroeconomic stability, especially in absence of solid regulatory frameworks.

Africanews spoke to Abebe Selassie, director of the IMF’s African Department, to shed more light on the story.

– Africa’s sustainable food chain –

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 37% of the food produced in sub-Saharan Africa is lost between production and consumption. It means that the continent loses or wastes a third of the food it produces, where 146 million people go hungry. A group of African businessmen believe that handling food products from harvest to delivery, including processing, is one way to book the trend.

– Africa’s new destination for LNG –

Africa may be on its way to becoming the new destination for liquefied natural gas. A new liquefied gas field off the coast of Senegal and Mauritania is bringing hope to Europe as it struggles to secure alternative sources after Moscow cut natural gas flows to EU countries. The field could produce up to 10 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year, here’s more of that story.


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