
Sunrise Received a Health Equity Grant | community news


BENNINGTON — Sunrise Family Resource Center received the Health Equity Capacity Building Grant through the Vermont Department of Health.

“This is exciting news for Sunrise as it is a large (reimbursable) grant, totaling approximately $240,000,” said Executive Director Denise Main. “Sunrise’s proposal is three-pronged and will support ‘Families on the Move’ in our community for transportation independence.”

Addressing this systemic and socioeconomic barrier will empower these families to fully participate in their lives and in the community. Sunrise is in the process of hiring a part-time employee to lead this program and be the Transportation Advisor for the families involved in this pilot program. The organization will support individuals and families who work with Sunrise to become “car ready” by funding driver education classes, permit costs and license fees.

They are also building on our existing relationship with the Green Mountain Community Network (Green Mountain Express), which has agreed to offer any person or family in the community expanded access to public transportation. Specifically, Green Mountain is scheduling availability two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, between 10 am and 2 pm, for families to call and schedule rides to and from local Bennington grocery stores and/or laundromats. This part of the proposal will support families with their health goals with increased access to fresh produce and improved, healthy home environments. Green Mountain began offering this free service on October 4. Anyone who needs a ride to and from the grocery store or laundromat can call Green Mountain (the day before) to schedule a time.

“We are happy to partner with Sunrise to offer this service,” said Terence White, CEO of Green Mountain Community Network. “We know how difficult it can be for families in the community right now.”

Sunrise Grants and Communications Specialist Sarah Livingstone said: “The health of an individual or a family is not simply a result of how often they go to the doctor, it depends on the environment they live in, the community they belong to and the barriers they face. Sunrise hopes this grant will have a positive multi-generational impact, while promoting greater access to transportation in our community.”

For more information on this pilot project, please contact Sunrise at sfrc@sunrisepcc.com. To inquire about scheduling with Green Mountain, call their main line at (802) 447-0477.


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