
The $3.5 Billion Honda News and US Senate Debate


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a surprise in October this week when Honda revealed plans to build a $3.5 billion plant in Fayette County that will make batteries for electric vehicles. US Senate candidates launched accusations during their debate, and the state board of education delayed a vote on a resolution affecting LGBTQ students.

We break down what this all means in this week’s episode of Ohio Politics Explained.

It’s a USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau podcast where we bring you up to date with the state’s political news in 15 minutes or less. This week, host Anna Staver was joined by State Bureau Chief Anthony Shoemaker.

1) Ohio drives a Honda

Honda is partnering with battery manufacturer LG Energy Solution to build a new plant here in Ohio and renovate three existing Honda plants that will support the growing electric vehicle industry.

The company said it chose the location southwest of Columbus for several reasons, including proximity to those existing plants, access to resources and availability of labor.

When asked by reporters about the timing of this announcement, dewine said“The timing of this was completely up to Honda. They made the decision. We are always looking forward to announcements.”


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