
What happened in the health news this week? | Smart Health


A look at three of the top health stories in the news from the last week to keep your health smart.


FDA Announces Adderall Shortage

The FDA has confirmed that the nation is experiencing a shortage of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Adderall.

Experts say that various reasons are causing the problem. ADHD diagnoses have surged, leaving supplies low, and some manufacturers say they lack the ingredients to make it.

The FDA says it will continue to monitor the situation and provide regular updates. In the meantime, they suggest calling your doctor to discuss alternative medications.

New baby sleep guidelines released

October is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month and the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its sleep guidelines for babies.

They say that babies should sleep on their backs, specifically on a flat surface, not inclined and without any kind of soft bedding.

Parents should also be wary of products that could lead to safety complacency, including cardiorespiratory monitors. 3,500 babies die from sleep-related deaths each year in the US.

Dementia can be detected up to a decade before diagnosis

The Cambridge researchers found signs of dementia five to nine years before a patient received a diagnosis.

They say impairments that indicate dementia are often subtle and include memory, reaction times, grip strength, weight loss and number of falls.

People likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease were more likely to have fallen 12 months before diagnosis. The study findings could allow for earlier screening to reduce risks.

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