
world food program: 19 million Afghans face food insecurity: World Food Program


The World Food Program estimated that nearly 19 million Afghans face food insecurity on the occasion of World Food Day.

On World Food Day, which falls on Sunday, Kabul residents said a lack of jobs and economic challenges threaten them with severe food insecurity, Tolo News reported.

The World Food Program in Afghanistan said a survey conducted in February and March indicated that nearly 19 million people face food insecurity.

“The results of the (survey) show that almost 19 million or 18.9 million people are facing food insecurity and are in need of food assistance and humanitarian assistance,” said Wahidullah Amani, spokesperson for the WFP in Afghanistan, Tolo News reported.

“We plan to attract international humanitarian aid, support small and medium-sized industries, and launch major economic projects to support infrastructure in Afghanistan,” said Abdul Latif Nazari, Deputy Minister of Economy.

“I have seven children. My husband is unemployed. When we have breakfast, we are worried about our lunch, when we have lunch, we are worried about our dinner,” said Suraya, the breadwinner for her family of seven.

The high rate of poverty has forced scores of students into forced labor, Tolo News reported.

“I work from 6:00 in the morning until the end of the day. I earn between 20 and 50 Afs. And I don’t know what to buy with that money,” said Beheshta, a child laborer.

According to the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA), the daily income of Afghans is 102 Afs, reported Tolo News.

Some other citizens of the country expressed their frustration with the increase in food prices in the country.

“Now there are no jobs or businesses. For many of those who are working, their wages are low. Those who work outside as vendors and other jobs earn 100-200 Afs, which is not even enough for dinner,” Arash said. Sultani. , a resident of Kabul.

World Food Day is celebrated annually on October 16 to highlight the millions of people around the world who cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for regular access to nutritious food. The motto for 2022 is LEAVE NO ONE behind.

World Food Day 2022 is celebrated in a year with multiple global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change, rising prices and international tensions. All of this is affecting global food security. The Day is run by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


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