
3 trendy tech careers in 2023


Despite fears of an impending recession, global economic pressures and concerns over recent layoffs at many tech companies over the spring and summer, the job outlook across Europe remains generally good.

Particularly in technology, where many areas within the IT industry are thought to be (so far) fairly recession-proof, especially in industries like AI, cybersecurity and cloud services.

In fact, the tech scene is currently experiencing levels of growth we haven’t seen since the early days of the dot-com bubble, with global IT spending expected to reach $4.5 trillion by early 2023, a increase of 5.1%, according to a report. from Gartner.

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It’s also a great time to change jobs, as a recent global survey of tech workers found that those who change jobs can also increase their wages by up to 12%. So whether you’re already working in the cybersecurity industry or a professional looking to get into UX, focusing on the following areas will help you stay ahead in the year ahead.

cyber security

As more of our financial lives move from face-to-face to virtual, the need for cybersecurity is greater than ever. Research from the European Central Bank shows that 74% of internet users have bought something online in the last three months, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

From online banking to shopping to the continued rise of cryptocurrencies, the demand for IT specialists with cybersecurity skills is growing. This is due to the fact that security is the biggest problem for companies all over the world, and the demand for experts in this sector will increase rapidly.

For those looking to get into cybersecurity, improving skills in areas like data encryption, risk mitigation, and firewalls are key, while familiarity with software security will put you ahead of the pack.

In terms of opportunities, there are dozens of cyber security roles currently available at The House of Talent Job Board, ranging from fully remote jobs, like this Cyber ​​Security Analyst role with Bankers Healthcare Group, to the also remote job of Business Architect. Cyber ​​Security with American Express. . Both roles require an understanding of today’s information security threats, including DDoS, botnets, and advanced malware.

UI/UX Design

UX designers are used to asking questions like “What makes a website go from good to great?” The level of user experience or user interface, especially in a post-Covid world where more people are used to doing everyday tasks virtually, has increased. Users now automatically expect the digital services they use to be as good as the services they receive in person.

Recent global research from Gartner shows that 65% of customers believe that the companies they do business with online need to improve their virtual customer service, while 75% of customers expect to receive a personalized experience.

As such, the demand for UI and UX designers is growing exponentially as companies struggle to keep up. For those who work in design elsewhere and want to tap into the demand, skills to brush up on include information architecture, wireframe, virtual design, and user research and testing. Getting familiar with libraries like Angular Material and DevXtreme is essential.

There are currently over 100 open UX roles on the House of Talent job board, ranging from the fully remote PayPal Consumer Design Director role to the most entry level, but also the remote Frontend Software Engineer role. with Objektkultur Software.


Referring to all the platforms that enable businesses to better market their products, martech covers everything from SEO research to automation and email marketing. And the opportunity within that space is enormous.

Skills to focus on include eCommerce principles and leading platforms like Shopify and HubSpot, as well as social media best practices in marketing and optimization. Becoming familiar with and having a working knowledge of areas such as copywriting, display ads, and email marketing will also give those looking to enter the industry an advantage.

There are currently dozens of jobs in the martech space at The House of Talent Job Board, including an e-commerce product manager position with Apple and an email marketing automation consultant position with LevelUp Group. Both roles require candidates who have the ability to recognize digital trends before they capture the attention of the general public, as well as a genuine interest in consumer behavior.

Explore all the opportunities available on the House of Talent job board to find your next step


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