
Brazilian Politician Surrenders Himself After Injuring Police While Resisting Arrest


RIO DE JANEIRO/BRASILIA, Oct 23 (Reuters) – Brazilian politician Roberto Jefferson surrendered early on Sunday after wounding two police officers while resisting arrest ordered by the country’s Supreme Court.

President Jair Bolsonaro tried to distance himself from his ally by posting a video on social media after his arrest, saying someone who shoots police officers should be treated like a criminal.

Two agents were injured by shrapnel from a grenade thrown by the former deputy. Both went to the hospital and were later released, according to the statement.

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In a video posted on social media Sunday morning, the congressman showed an image of federal police arriving at his home, later admitting in another video that he had targeted the patrol car but not the officers.

Supreme Court magistrate Alexandre de Moraes had ordered Jefferson to be imprisoned after the former congressman and president of the PTB political party released a tape in which he offended magistrate Carmen Lucía, for decisions he made in relation to the elections presidential.

In his decision, Moraes said that Jefferson did not comply with the conditions of his house arrest.

Jefferson was already being investigated for his alleged involvement in the production of fake news, and on Friday he issued statements offending Judge Carmen Lucía, who had decided to transfer some of Bolsonaro’s airtime to presidential candidate and former president Luis Inácio Lula. da Silva after the leftist complained of crimes in the opponent’s political ads.

Two opposition senators, Randolfe Rodrigues and Eliziane Gama, had asked the Supreme Court to punish Jefferson for offending Lucia.

The political tension has increased before the second round of the presidential elections next Sunday. Bolsonaro had previously tweeted a condemnation of Jefferson’s comments on Justice and his resistance to prison. Lula said the problem must now be solved by the police and blamed Bolsonaro for escalating political violence.

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Report by Rodrigo Viga Gaier and Alexandre Caverni, written by Tatiana Bautzer; edited by Diane Craft

Our standards: the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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