
Emerging Music Sensation Talib To Release New EP ‘Unmixed Feelings’


Album title: unmixed feelings

Release date: October 19, 2022

Details/Take away: Having created melodies all his life, taliban is ready to release his first single ‘Holidays’ in 2022 to officially kick off his music career.

Talib’s earliest influences were Afrobeat, Highlife, Fuji, and Juju music that he listened to growing up. As a teenager, he was exposed to the R&B, Pop and Hip Hop music that was dominating the Nigerian airwaves in the early 2000s.

Speaking about the idea behind his art and his inspiration, the rising star says:

“I like to surprise myself when I make music” and “I try to make sure the next song is better than the last” are some of his favorite responses when asked about his creative process.”

His next release, ‘Unmixed Feelings’, is the debut EP from Talib, who draws on multiple producers to present a body of work that will convey the depth of his talent to listeners. .

The project is inspired by pure and deep feelings, mixing soft RnB with live instruments with several layers of emotions. Talib explores the complexities of everyday life and how it shapes our lifestyle and choices.

In ‘Feelings unmixed’ Talib examines the existential questions of:

Are we in control? Do we have any choice? what do we do?


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