
Liz Truss faces cabinet showdown over benefits


Liz Truss faces a crucial Cabinet meeting this morning amid a growing Tory rebellion over profits.

The Prime Minister has convened her core team at No. 10 and is expected to be told by some of her ministers that welfare payments should rise in line with inflation next year.

The government has been considering raising benefits in line with the lower wage growth metric, but Ms Truss is under increasing pressure not to go ahead with the move.

Chloe Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, will be among the ministers arguing for keeping the link to inflation in Cabinet this morning, according to The Times.

There is now a growing expectation that Mrs Truss will be forced to continue improving benefits in line with inflation as usual, and numerous senior Conservative figures have opposed imposing real terms cuts on families. in difficulties.

Therese Coffey, the deputy prime minister, said this morning that no decision has been made, telling BBC Breakfast: “No decisions have been made and I used to take on that role and the secretary of state has to wait until all the tests”. in front of her and that happens in November and that’s when the announcement is made.”

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