
On Pakistan’s Economic And Political Crisis, Imran Khan Shares ‘The Only Solution’ | World News


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Monday that the brother of his successor, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League (N)) supremo Nawaz Sharif, feared that Pakistan’s party Khan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), “is more popular than the ruling coalition”, and therefore the government was making “deliberate attempts to delay the elections”. Khan has reiterated that the “only solution” to the country’s current political and economic crisis was “immediate and transparent” elections. It is worth mentioning here that Khan was ousted as the country’s prime minister amid claims that he was unable to cope with economic challenges.

Speaking to local media network ARY News, Khan also accused Pakistan Chief Elections Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Raja Sultan of sabotaging electronic voting machines (EVMs) with and in support of the Sharif government. “We had introduced EVM to hold transparent elections in the country, but CEC Sikandar Raja sabotaged it with the support of PML-N,” he was quoted as saying, accusing the election watchdog of being biased.

The PTI chairman also claimed that his party had “all the evidence” that Sharif’s ally, the Pakistan People’s Party, was openly engaged in fraud. “The election commissioner of Sindh is on the payroll of the provincial government and we have already approached the judicial council against him,” he told local media. “It is unfortunate that the country has not witnessed transparent polling to date,” he added.

Imran Khan, who was ousted in April following a no-confidence vote, received a boost a day ago by emerging victorious in six National Assembly seats in Sunday’s by-elections. His party reportedly managed to secure six of the eight National Assembly seats in the crucial by-elections, while the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) took two, NA-157 Multan and NA-237 Karachi, which were bagged by the PTI in the 2018 general election. elections.

(With contributions from news agencies)


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